About us
Iakov Khesin (geb. 1953)
Nadezda Khesina (geb. 1955)
Seit 1993: professionelle Tätigkeit in der Ikonenmalerei
Seit 1999: wohnen und arbeiten sie in Deutschland, Leipzig
Das Studio „Icona“ nimmt die Bestellungen sowohl von der kirchlichen Gemeinde als auch von Privatpersonen an und projektiert Ikonenwände, macht Restaurationsarbeiten und Vergoldung, aber auch Ikonen- und Wandmalerei.

2016-18 - restoration of the icons of the local, festive and apostolic rows of the iconostasis of St.Alexeyev's Church-Monument (Leipzig, Germany)
2009-13 – start-up of work at the iconostasis of the lower church of St. Alexeyev’s Church-Monument (Leipzig, Germany)
2007 – sketch of the iconostasis of the lower church of St. Alexeyev’s Church-Monument (Leipzig, Germany)
2006 – painting of the altar canopy in St. Alexeyev’s Church-Monument (Leipzig, Germany)
2002-04 – creation of series of the icons-replicas (see "Replicas") of the best known Russian icons from the Tretyakov Gallery collection (Moscow, Russia) and the collection of the Russian Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia)
2009 - English Church (Leipzig, Deutschland)
2007 – Evangelische Gemeinde Peterskirche (Leipzig, Deutschland)
2006-07 – Kirche der Märtyrerinnen Elisabeth und Warwara (Wuppertal, Deutschland) 2006 – Kirche der Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit (Dortmund, Deutschland)
2001-03 – Deutsch-Russisches Hilfswerk zur Heiligen Alexandra e.V. (Leipzig, Deutschland)
2017 - Exhibition "Saints of an Undividet Churh (Minsk, the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus)
2011 - Rathaus Leipzig (Leipzig,Germany)
2011 - Château de Saint-Auvent (France)
2011 - Europa Haus (Leipzig,Germany) 2011 - Westphalschen Haus (Markleeberg,Germany)
2010 – galerie „Das blaue Haus“ (Pegau,Germany)
2009 – Town hall Merkleeberg (Germany)
2009 - Media-City (Leipzig, Germany)
2009 - Rathaus Markleeberg (Markleeberg,Germany)
2006 - Church of the Exhalation of the Cross within the bonds of celebration of Herbfest (Leipzig, Germany)
2006 – Frankish Foundation (Halle, Germany)
2005 – evangelic community "Kutscherhaus" by the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross (Leipzig, Germany)
2004 – gallery "Das blaue Haus" (Leipzig, Germany)
2004 – St. Nina Gruzinskaya equal to the apostle’s church (Aachen, Germany)
2003 – University library (Leipzig, Germany)
2015-17 - Сourses of icon painting (Berlin, Munich, Leipzig, Germany)
2012-14 - Courses of icon painting (Berlin, Leipzig, Germany)
2012 - Courses of icon painting (Los Angeles, K, Djordanvil, NY, USA)
2011-12 Courses of icon painting from the studio "Icona" (Leipzig, Germany)
2011 - Courses of icon painting (Los Angeles, K, Djordanvil, NY, USA)
2010 - icon-painting course by the Studio "ICONA" (Leipzig, Germany)
2009-10 - icon-painting course by the Studio "ICONA" (Leipzig, Germany)
2008-09 - icon-painting course by the Studio "ICONA" (Leipzig, Germany)
2007-08 - icon-painting course by the Studio "ICONA" (Leipzig, Germany)
2006-07 – icon-painting course (Wuppertal, Dortmund, Germany)